Friday, May 31, 2013

Snake preview: Hotel Banke!

Last evening I attended a little party for the birthday of someone that true PDP followers know well ;-) It took place in the beautiful bar of the Hotel Banke at rue Lafayette. Of course I could have shown you the actual bar or the stunning hall or the silky entrance, but no... I couldn't resist posting a photo of their bathroom! Truly amazing... (And in case you're wondering, no, it's not real snake!). I know, it's weird ;-) 


  1. Joyeaux Anniversaire mon ami.

    Given the two contexts, I will forego jokes about snakes.

  2. As long as it's not real snake, I say, why not?

    Happy birthday, Michael!

    And thanks, Jeff.

  3. Hope you had a great birthday, Michael. (And if this is the men's room, I really want to see the ladies'!)

  4. Now that's an interesting "throne"!!!

  5. Interesting interior design! Being a little squeamish around snakes, I guess this would be all right -- as long as it doesn't hiss. :-)
    Oh, and happy birthday, Michael!

  6. Thank you for organising this fête Eric. It was a real blast and I was "flushed" with emotion from all the nice people who "slithered" out into the bad weather to share the evening with me.

  7. It must have been a good appears Eric had to crawl into the bathroom.

    1. Oh you just don't know Stuart! When I saw this photo I thought either (a)there are some places you just don't want to be lying on the floor fancy shmancy blog or not or (b) he must have been on the floor and while lying there thought, "I might as well take a photo".

    2. Ha ha. You don't know how many times I've thought the same thing about all of Eric's "ground's-eye-view" photos. I imagine the curiosity and fear in the passers-by eyeing the fellow on his knees in a Paris intersection, or square, or restaurant floor, when someone comes along and assures them that there's no need to worry, the guy with the camera isn't having a fit...that's just Eric, taking a PDP.

      Happy Birthday, Michael. First one as a Frenchman?

    3. @Michael - :)))) so totally agree with you on everything - and also with @Vivian!

      Very happy belated birthday to you Michael - you seem to be VERY popular with the PDP folks :)

      Joyeux Anniversaire. K

    4. Nice one Stuart.
      Vivian, as you say, Eric probably just went to the bathroom for a PDP.

  8. We heard about the festivities all the way here in Chicago! Hope no one had to slither home. :)

  9. @Vivian Swift...not the first as a Frenchman (2nd I think). @Anonymous...who is this?

  10. I almost forgot - Bon anniversaire Michael!
