Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The weirdest monument in Paris...

On the right side of the Champs de Mars (when you look at the Eiffel Tower) there is what I would call the weirdest monument in Paris! It's dedicated to human rights and it's made of several elements of debatable taste and of  Free masons symbols. I chose to focus on this statue of a woman with a child which main garment is... a high hat with reliefs of printed newspapers! Like I said: weird! More (in English) here.


  1. I love it! I've always lived by the motto that weird is good.

  2. Un peu bizarre, to be sure! Coincidentally, I just found out recently that my great-grandfather was a Mason (and I don't even know if I should be proud or horrified).

  3. Hey, you're talkin' about my 'hood now. We don't consider ourselves weird... we prefer the word "special".

    1. LOOOOOOOOOOL. I knew you would react to this photo ;-) Not tell me you never thought this monument was weird?!

  4. The color variation is quite lovely. If my eyes are not deceiving me, it looks like people are wearing jackets? Does it feel like autumn in Paris?

    1. Alas yes... Except today where it was nice, warm and sunny...
