Thursday, April 26, 2012

Boulevard Saint Michel

The rain never stops in Paris these days, which is good for the crops maybe, but not for the mood of the Parisians (including mine LOL!). If it continues like that I'll take a break in the sun... Anyway I took this photo this morning at Boulevard Saint Michel, right by the Sorbonne, after a meeting near Pantheon. I like the reflection effect and the colors. Hard to believe this boulevard was empty though... That's all, sorry, not much to say today ;-)


  1. We have something in common - there's been sooo much rain in Sydney recently although sunny today thank goodness I will send you some of it.

  2. It's been a weird spring so far. But I think the worst is over now.

  3. So much to look at here! No Eiffel Towers that I can see, but I spy with my little eye - a scooter!

  4. You don't need to say much Eric - your pictures do it for you :)

  5. This is the kind of picture I would like to paint if I could.

    I left to go to the St Quentin market today and did nothing else,It is awful! I notice it is worse in the am rather than the PM. How did this wonderful city evolve from such quirky schizoid weather?

  6. Its too bad the rain is unceasing, but the new green leaves in today and yesterday's photos are just enchanting. The light through them in today's photo is gorgeous. Hope the sun'll come out tomorrow...

  7. Oh, the green and the leaves!! (Our leaves still have a few weeks before they come out and to see them is quite lovely, I have to tell you!) I'm with you in the rain though, I need sunshine to make it through a week.

  8. Beautiful photo. Makes me wish I was there now ... Rain or shine.

  9. I was going to say pretty much exactly what Deb said—this shot really does speak for itself. And how did you manage to catch these two passing strangers in an otherwise empty street (especially this street)? Fabulous, Eric!

  10. Just south of Rue des Ecoles. I love this area. Walk north to the corner, allez a droit, cent meters, voila: Brasserie Balzar.

    Great photo.

    I saw a dedication on a bench at the zoo today: Life should be gulped, not sipped. Oui, ma belle. Fill 'er up.

  11. Very nice photo! That weather really reminds me of Finland where I was born at =)

  12. Rain or shine, well, I hope it is shine, when I arrive in Paris on Labor Day! I plan to pack some sunshine with me from California! Nice photo, Eric, glistening surfaces and reflections always give a photo great luminosity.

  13. Oh, just look at those trees -- what color; they love, love the rain. It is raining in San Francisco now and we need it. Sadly, we didn't get enough rain this year. Our countryside will pay the consequences.

  14. Never been to paris. looking forward to visit paris in december. Here in Malaysia hot and humid weather. Learn about paris from your photo...thanks eric

  15. It's a beautiful shot not requiring many words. I like to think that the two crossing the street had greetings for one another, thereby making a rainy day a bit more bearable.

  16. As some of you mentioned, the leaves are looking like they shine!

  17. They look like they are holding hands and about to do a little dance. A little rain dance.

    Jeff, we stayed in Rue des Ecoles for the first few days of our visit last week. We took a stroll over to St Sulpice one evening. Beautiful.

    Right opposite our hotel was another hotel. I saw people checking in but can't remember seeing anyone leaving.
    It's called The Hotel California.
    I was tempted to go in just to hear the receptionist say, "Welcome to..............."

  18. I like photos of umbrellas in the rain. Thanks.

  19. One of my favourite spots in my favourite city! Rain or no rain, I will always take Paris. And as there has been no rain where I live (in the US southwest) for a VERY long time, the idea of being in Paris in the rain makes me melt.

  20. Great picture! It looks like the couple are dancing in the rain.

  21. Wonderful composition and color, Eric. I am sorry for the rainy weather but glad that we had the perfect spring week in Paris about a month ago.

    (Thanks to jeff for the resto rec!)


  22. Beautiful color and street scene. Even when it's raining its beautiful in Paris.

  23. I was on Blvd Saint Michael on the same day as you. Jardin Luxembourg was a treat especially during the rain!

    A fine representation of a point in time, indeed!

    Paz :)

  24. I like that it looks like they are holding hands--it was the first thing I noticed about this picture. And, yes, new green leaves are lovely. It feels spring-y!

  25. I was at the law school near here -(across from the Pantheon.

  26. I was at the law school near here -(across from the Pantheon.

  27. I love Paris in zeee Springtime...when it rains and rains and rains... LOL!!

  28. pretty familiar scene. love the "typical Paris" shots. Keep them coming :)
