Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fight against terrorism

I don' t know if you've been following the French news (which happen to be international news too!) recently you know that we have been "invited" by Mali to fight Jihadists in the North of the country. The "war", as the news channels now call it, has started and consequently we fear retaliation in France. That's why as of Monday, if you walk down the streets of Paris, you will see soldiers everywhere, and especially in busy areas or Paris landmarks (like on the Champs Elysées, where I took this photo yesterday - Wednesday). Your bag will also be searched in most stores. Not very pleasant, I agree, but necessary.


  1. Ah, yes, we are hearing of this situation (and I read Le Monde online). We often see a military presence in our US cities but it is a bit of a surprise in Paris except for 14 juillet.

    The US coverage on the execution of 4 women in the 10th arr. was slim.

    Be safe, mon ami.


  2. Here in the U.S. our citizens all tote guns like that! I"m not real thrilled about this as I'm almost on my way but what can you do?

  3. I love that they wear berets! Is France divided much about the Mali excursion? I've been lurking but haven't been able to post for eons. Good to have the time to liesurely look at the pics and posts. Thank goodness most Americans have never even touched a gun. Gun control is such a hot topic here now, we are waiting to see if there will be any changes.

  4. Yeah "Jihadists" they are such a drag -- I think I'm speaking for about 90% of our planet earth. On France24 they said that "it's all about the money" to the Jihadists. The terrorists are trying to build a strong-hold in Mali because Mali is poor, and cannot fight the Jihadist terrorists successfully by themselves.

    France has had their share of Jihadists' threats for years now. My love and protection goes out to France (as always).

    Stay cool Eric. Love, Lois

  5. We get so little world news details on our major channels. I watch BBC World News and Aljazeera America daily to keep current. Also, the NY Times does and excellent job on world topics.

  6. Now that we live in Paris, I try to keep up with events that have to do with France, so I can seem semi literate when I am around the French. Ujima says it well for me. Did you know that Al Jazzera bought Al Gore's cable channel and the jokes are flying. They call it AljazeeraGore. Do not throw the tomatoes at me!

  7. Not on meds and not totingJanuary 17, 2013 at 3:29:00 PM GMT+1

    Genie — I have a question, what U.S. cities are you referring to in the statement you made below?

    "We often see a military presence in our US cities..."

    Who is the 'we'?

    I have lived in major cities in the US since childhood and in my adult life 4-major cities and on business stayed in 10-20 other ones in various states. And quite frankly I have never seen 'military presence' that you seem to be implying. Now if you visited a city where a major fort or military compound has been established, my word for that is 'duh' what do you expect that the military men and women not be seen, shop, go out for entertainment. And, when diplomats or the President is out and about do you really think it not necessary to have security details with him and this staff?

    So please I am very curious to know what you are seeing that I have not seen, but have seen in third world countries that I have gone too.

    Virginia, "Here in the U.S. our citizens all tote guns like that!" ALL? Really Virginia, you do seem to exaggerate a bit, don't you think. I don't nor do any one on my family tree, nor our friends. So the ALL is not ALL. Like I stated above I have traveled a bit and lived in many cities East coast, Mid-west and Southern and visited the West coast, and cannot say that I have seen ALL the citizens of these towns 'toting' guns that way. In your dreams, darling.

  8. I hate war and terrorism. Why can't we all just get along? I know it's much more complicated than that. I must say however, these soldiers are quite handsome and very fashionable in their camo and berets! It is Paris, what else would you expect. I must get there. I love the street, the lampposts, everything! xx

  9. I long for the years when we didn't have to worry about terrorists. I've also been hearing about the situation in Mali. While it is never pleasant to have bags checked or see soldiers patrolling the streets it is a necessity sometimes. Better safe than sorry.

    Be safe!

  10. I would be so worried if someone I knew was part of this conflict. Be safe ! I must say peace and democracy are to be cherished along with love between each other.
    Excuse me if I don't express myself very well in English, I'm not used enough to this language. But I think it is understandable at this level. I really felt to write something about this matter. Love.

  11. These soldiers look a bit too relaxed to me—when they're supposed to be protecting my friend (the guy with the camera behind them) from potential bad guys!
    Hope you all stay safe.

  12. I travel quite a bit around the US, and have seen at different times uniformed and armed police presence though not always "military." I am thinking about NYC in/around the theatre and Times Square area as well as the World Trade Center area. Additionally, I have seen the same in Chicago (can't remember which trip) and in San Francisco when I was there for a week during a particularly nasty hotel union strike. It is probably not "the usual" when I see the gun/police presence, but it does not take me by surprise. I have never felt concerned or threatened, quite the contrary, I feel safer.

    I am hoping that there is no retaliation in France and that this news will be short-lived.

    Best to you, dear Eric.


  13. @Genie "The US coverage on the execution of 4 women in the 10th arr. was slim. " Well here too actually for noone really understands it.
    Merci for you wishes.

    @Virginia "I'm almost on my way but what can you do?" Nothing!

    @Carrie " Is France divided much about the Mali excursion? " No, everyone - or almost everyone - backs the president.

    @Lois "France has had their share of Jihadists' threats for years now. My love and protection goes out to France (as always)." Awwwww. Merci Lois! And yes, you're right, it's probably much more about the money than the cause!

    @Ujima " I watch BBC World News and Aljazeera America daily to keep current" So you are informed far above the average!

    @Paulo "Nice pic, sad time." Perfect!

    @PHX "They call it AljazeeraGore" Er... I don't get it (and though I'm sure it's VERY silly LOL

    @Valorie " I know it's much more complicated than that." It is. You're always the terrorist of someone...

    @Kritie "Be safe!" Merci ;-)

    @Anonymous. "But I think it is understandable at this level. " VERY!

    @Alexa "These soldiers look a bit too relaxed to me" Well, let's not fool ourselves. They are just there for the scenery. If you're a terrorist and want to attack France, there are many ways and it's not these 3 army guys who are going to prevent anything!

    @Genie "I am hoping that there is no retaliation in France and that this news will be short-lived." Well there has already been one in Algeria today. They've attacked a gas plant and taken hostages.
