Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Rollerblading in Paris

It's the begining of August, a lot of Parisians are away on vacation but not everybody. Kids who remain in Paris have fun with the local activities; here it's a rollerblade jump ramp that can be found underneath the elevated Metro railway.


  1. Great photo. Was he still holding his balance a few seconds later? :o)

  2. I don't remember, but I doubt it! In fact they were two of them and the other one was really impressive. I caught him on "film" (see here) but the quality of the photos is not very good.

  3. same here, skateparks here are packed with teens who have succeeded in persuading their parents to leave them home alone. it's quite a pain, because the skatepark i always walk pass on the way home is now like feeding time at the zoo 24-7.

  4. Modern urban architecture seems to have been created for this kind of sport. They are everywhere jumping in our streets :)
