Saturday, August 18, 2007

More than just a graffiti

I came across this interesting piece of "graffiti" while in the 5th arrondissement on rue Feuillantines. After enlarging the photo, I searched the artist's name and discovered that Jef Aérosol is quite an accomplished artist, but also musician and writer. The things I learn doing PDP! Check out his biography and work here and here. I think you'll be impressed too! See the location from above.


  1. Graffiti. Hmmm. Controversial topic. There is some interesting and artistic graffiti, but I'd be angry if somebody sprayed it on the wall of my house. I do not believe a graffiti-ist has the right to paint on somebody else's property, regardless of the artistic merit of the work. I've never heard a property owner say they would like this to happen on their property without permission. Have you?

  2. I am impressed. Very good. Does it remain or get washed off by the authorities?

  3. So the artist of the graffiti wanted to pay a tribute to Elvis, Hendrix and The Beatles altogether!

    Very à propos since this week it was Elvis' death anniversary.

  4. Great shot!

    Hey, that's a really good point, Jeff. I like "graffitis" a lot as long as they're artistic and colorful and tend to add to the environment rather than take away frm it, but I guess that's all very subjective and I'm not sure how I'd feel if I saw something like that on the side of my place or even my car... You know, some kids (?) in the neighborhood have written graffiti on ... the aloe plant in the front yard! Now, that's f...'ed up!

  5. I agree with Jeff. I generally find graffiti visually offensive and I don't believe it should be tolerated at all. This is no more than vandalism. However I'm all for giving accomplished and wannabe artists enough room to display their talents - in recognised places.

    Going back a couple of days, did you know that the Hermès horse rider also has his statue in Sydney? I discovered him last month, see
    I wonder how many other cities have him too?

  6. Eric I hope you're enjoying your vacation and having great fun. Do you have a nice sun tan already?!

    I found a perfect place for my Parisdaily button today, I loved it! One more thing to make me cherish Paris whenever I look at it!

  7. Hey! I was in Paris just last weekend, staying in a hostel on the rue Mouffetard, and I noticed this one, took a picture too in fact, so I love the coincidence of seeing it here. There was one of Hitchcock filming The Birds not too far, it was great too! Personally, when it comes to graffiti, I think big pieces are often nice, what I just hate is taggers, narcissistic a**holes who can apparently think of no better way to assert themselves than writing their name on things. This guy though? I'd let him do a wall in my room!

  8. Wonderful find of this mural, Eric! Dylan and Hendrix (who is a Seattle native son, BTW). I like the way the ants and arrows add rhythm to the piece. Very nice photo! Happy weekend on your holiday!

  9. A guide to frugal living in Paris:


  10. And what a great name, Jef Aérosol!!! This is a very nice mural. I have only done this for 17 days but I think that's what I like the best: the discoveries you make in your own surroundings. And also, in my case, by reading the two other nyc DPB.

  11. Definitely striking - I love the colours against the white walls.
    Damn, even the graffiti is better in Paris!

  12. Oh I do love this! Honestly, as long as it wasn't some stupid tagging (ie as long as it was something like this) then I wouldn't mind my property being graffitied at all.

    Anyone know what it says all down the left of the wall?

  13. Good one!I'll look for it when I'm in Paris next month.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Bonjour.

    Avant quelques jours, j'ai pris la photo de graffiti de Jef Aérosol aussi.


  16. Fourmis-dable!!

    Barry Irl Ditto
