Thursday, January 13, 2011

Les Soldes 2011

I don't know if the sales are an important event where you live, but I can tell you that in France it's a major one! The 2011 winter Soldes (sales) started yesterday morning (Wednesday) and no less than two Ministers (Christine Lagarde and Frédéric Lefebvre) gave the first Go this morning at 8 o'clock at the Galeries Lafayette and Printemps. FYI, there is a controversy whereas the Soldes should be feminine ("la" Solde) or masculine ("le" solde)... The correct gender is "le", but most people say "la". So if you're learning French and fight with genders, you should know that the French do too, sometimes ;-) BTW, I took this photo at rue de Passy, well known for its shops.


  1. It hurts not to be there on the first day of the sales, which is the BEST day.

    I was in Stefanel last week and they had an early sale (due to refurbishing) and something I had bought earlier in the season was 60% off. That hurts, too!

    If the most female of the female body can be determined to be a "le".....then all logic has already been thrown out the window in terms of anything else!!!!

  2. *female part of the female body

  3. We have sales 100% of the year, but one that really stands out is called "Black Friday." It's held the day after Thanksgiving, and traditionally kicks off the Christmas shopping season. Stores open very very early and stay open later than usual. Incredible deals for the early birds. People camp out in queue days in advance and people have been trampled and killed by those trying to get into the stores first.

    I stay home in my warm bed!!

  4. gostei da foto, capta bem a pressa e o consumismo contemporâneos.

  5. A) Love the photo.
    B) I feel SO much better now. My French is okay, but even after many years I still fight with genders. Either way, j'adore les soldes!

  6. I keep waiting for a really good sale at Apple but alas ....

  7. ET Suzy, I stay home on Black Friday too. It's not worth it to get caught up in the crowds.

    Eric, we in America don't have only one time a year for sales. The stores can have them whenever they want and lately it's been very often. The Sunday newspapers are full of advertisements for sales.

    That doesn't mean it isn't fun though, and I love a bargain.

  8. No "soldes" for me this time unless I have time to do them, which I doubt. Hmm, I'm saying it today but it may change. Anyway, the photo today reminds me a bit of your previous post (in 2008, 02/14) but with a few details different, of course. It probably reminds me of that because of the rue de Passy... Is it interesting that I'm noticing this, Eric? LOL
    Have a nice day, 'les soldes' or not! BTW, I always use this word with plural! No problem of gender... but how to say : "de belles soldes" or "de beaux soldes"... sometimes, I wonder ... And I make mistakes which is a good thing! LOL


  9. In Barcelona, winter soldes started january 7th but people is not crazy as before.



    [Barcelona Daily Photo]

  10. In Austria the sale started already the very first work day after Christmas... without any ministers...

  11. The January Sales are a complete waste of time - I tried the Apple store Tomate, but they didn't have any apples.

    -then I tried Currys, but they didn't have any curries.

    -I also tried Boots, but they didn't have any boots.

    - and as for the Virgin Megastore....."

    (In the UK, Currys sell electrical goods, Boots is a pharmacy chain and Virgin Megastores sell games/DVDs etc.)

  12. Ha, ha, Drummond.

    I love a good "les soldes"!! I am a Black Friday shopper, but where I live Up North, I've never had anyone rude before, there is no pushing or shoving, just lots of "oops, sorry" and "excuse me" as the aisles are jammed with people and carts. I find it fun and my sister and I have a good time together shopping at 3 am. Besides, you can get some great deals, and I love a great deal! :)

  13. Drummond, you crack me up!

    Exactly what I needed for my little break...

  14. Add me to the list! Eric!
    Drummond! I found no Fairy's in Fairy liquid.can I qualify as phx-cdg-lhr?

  15. Drummond, hee hee!

    And PHX, my French is not so good but I believe I learned something new from you today.

    From Eric as well. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who struggles with the genders of nouns in French.

    Southern California Paris Daily Photo Fans get together this Sunday at 11:30am at Le Pain Quotidien in BrentwoodLe Pain Quotidien in Brentwood. Come say hi! Jeff will be here from Minnesota.
    (Sorry to hijack your comments, Eric, but it's all for you.)

  16. Phxcdg - Please kneel.

    "In my self-appointed capacity as PDP representative of Her Majesty's Government, I hereby grant the use of the appendix 'LHR' to be added to your existing title, limited to use for official ceremonial occasions."

    You may now rise.

    Go in peace and don't let it go to your head. ;)

  17. Well, for lack of anything better to do today and having never been to rue Passy, I checked it out this afternoon. sorry, but I think it leaves a lot to be desired and would be among my least favorite streets in Paris, if there is such a thing. All I can say is that the area was quiet. Even the cog au vin at the corner cafe wasn't very good. I had much more luck (and fun)at les soldes at Defense.

  18. LOLOLOLOLOL Drummond!
    And PHX-CDG...I'd suggest you'd take the appointment with pure grace (as usual) and accept this honoUr. Sir Drummond has spoken.

  19. Drummond loool...

    I wish I could be in Paris for the sales.

    In Denmark we used to have to major sales a year; January and July, but nowadays the shops can have a sale whenever they want.
    My local grocer has like two birthday sales, one anniversary sale, a sale for each season and not to mention the odd discount and weekend sales EVERY YEAR !!!

  20. @Cathy Vail. Actually I agree with you. It's funny the rue de Passy was the place my mother would take me to to go shopping when I was young, so, to me, this was THE place for shopping.
    And then yesterday when I went back and took the photo, I realized that there is nothing interesting left in this street. Just a bunch of boring world renowned franchises!

  21. In the US, there are soldes every day of the year, so , no, they're not a big deal.

  22. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
