Saturday, November 17, 2012


This is a pretty cool photo that I took it at La Défense while I was making a "timelaps" that I will hopefully show you soon. I love it that the clouds reflect in the skyscraper and that you don't really know where the building stops - and believe me when you see it moving it's even more impressive. It was pretty easy to take though, all I did was to lay my camera on the ground and wait for it to shoot! I was just plain lucky. Have a great weekend, whether you'll be watching the sky or not ;-)


  1. If the above translates to Vertigo, I say moi aussi

  2. Cool indeed. I will wait for the time lapse movie.

  3. This is a fabulous photo, Eric. I am impressed.

  4. I thought that you were going to tell us that you were on your back on le trottoir. This is a stunning shot and the building does seem to disappear into the clouds.


  5. The sky is the unifying force reflecting the mirror image of the two buildings. Looking up is looking out.

  6. Stunning, I love photos like this. I always say "look up, look down" there is always a photo to be taken..

  7. it's not all luck....there's some talent in there too....incredible shot.....

  8. Awwww I'm glad you like it! I actually hesitated thinking "yeah, yeah, this was already taken a thousand times I'm sure". But I must say the reflection of the clouds add a lot to it (and, NO! it's not Photoshoped!)

  9. Last month I was in Paris and went for the first time to La Défense, working with my camera for some 3 hours. I specially liked the CNIT Mall, one of the most photogenic malls I know worldwide. Your photo is very good indeed.

  10. Of all the architecture of the past five decades, the glass walls are what I like best: because they reflect the surrounding world. So much contemporary architecture is just repetitive, visually busy, or clunky. So many buildings ignore their location except for a few basic lines that are seen nearby or some secret code in the architect's mind. The glass makes the building live as part of its city and brings the sky along. When pedestrians can seen inside the building when walking by, it's even better.

  11. I agree with Dona! Love this shot. Glad you had fun looking up at the sky show of all those moving clouds reflected. You inspire me to get out my time lapse device and start playing around with it some.

  12. Very cool pic! It always pays to look up, you never know what you're gonna see :)
