Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Paris SketchCrawl

Do you know what a Sketch crawl is? I did not... Until last Saturday, when I witnessed one at the La cité de l'architecture et du Patrimoine, I was telling you about yesterday. Principle: anybody who enjoys sketching - and is aware of the meetup - gets to meet in a place and spend some time drawing what they see. The result is then published on the Internet! Cool idea, isn't? Check it out, there might be one of these events near you soon... I took many photos of sketchers, here is a little patchwork.


  1. d'Accord! d'Accord! I will visit La Cite de l'architecture et du Patrimoine this year! It is on my list.

  2. I love the photos and some of the sketches are really amazing. What a good idea this is.

  3. I thought it was from the other company called Meetup which I belong to in Paris. The one you are showing is another group. The one I belong to did the same thing, but we met in the Petit Palais once to draw. I recommend Meetup highly if you go to Paris, as there are lots of groups, like gourmet dining,Vintage tours,wine tasting groups to meet with. I believe I told your first commentator about this, once!

  4. The photo looks a bit like an Edward Hopper painting. I had to check to make sure it wasn't itself a sketch.

  5. Ce qui serait une bonne façon de commencer un essai d'écriture créative?

  6. Such marvelous sites in which to sketch! That would be fun.

  7. Yes! I have enjoyed doing this @ The Barnes Museum recently. Even though my sketches were on the Senior Art Camp level, I enjoyed the venue so much!

  8. What a fun idea!!

    The Eiffel Tower through the window and the angel are my favorites!

    Thanks so much for sharing!



  9. Quelle idée géniale! I am no artist, but would LOVE to take part in one of these (especially in Paris). Eric -- next time I'm there, let's do a PhotoCrawl together.

  10. Oops, forgot to say how much I like your photos of this event!

  11. @PHX. yes I should try these meetups once I suppose,They seem to have interesting stuff.
