Saturday, February 23, 2013

The new bells of Notre dame

You may already have heard the news, Notre Dame had to renew its bells because they were badly tuned! The ones in place at the moment are not the original ones (they were melted during the French revolution!) but installed in 1856. Anyway, the new bell(e)s have been manufactured in Normandy for about a year and delivered earlier this month. Since then, they have been on display, in the middle of the Cathedral. And that's where I was today to photograph them for you (the place is a real nightmare due to the amount of tourists I must say...). It was about time as they are going to be installed soon in the bell towers and should be ready to ring by March 23. In the meantime, they have been digitally sampled so that the show can go on... I'm pretty sure they will soon make an app too ;-) Here is another view and a pretty interesting article from England.


  1. So pretty! It's wonderful that they make them so beautiful when, once they are installed, no one will see them other than Quasimodo.

  2. Fascinating, Eric! Thanks for the education.

  3. Those tourists certainly are a nightmare. I hate that.

    I wish I could see them before they are installed, but I love the photos.

  4. Those tourists certainly are a nightmare. I hate that.

    I wish I could see them before they are installed, but I love the photos.

    Sorry, c'est moi.

  5. It's fascinating to see the designs on the bells! Glad you gave us a way to see them before they go into the tower. Wonderful photos!

  6. No Jeff tourists are no nightmare! Besides, we're happy they come, they enjoy our country and spend money in it!

    But, the CROWD I should have said, wherever it comes from, is a little disturbing in a place like this.

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  8. Information presented on the bell of Notre dame is really very interesting. People who do not know the history of it, must read this blog. The information very filtered and raw. The renovation of bell and how many tourist arrive there is really very exciting to read


  9. I knew what you meant, mon ami, I was making fun of myself, not of you. I hate crowds of tourists, also, even though I am one of them.

    I do love your photos of the bells.

  10. Merci bien for braving la foule to bring us this beautiful detail! Next time I'm there, I'll time a climb up to the bell tower so I can hear them up close.

  11. Thank you Eric, that was really interesting. I was wondering what was going on over there with all those bells lined up.

    Great photo -- just lovely.

  12. "...the place is a real nightmare due to the amount of tourists I must say..."

    And it's only February....

  13. C'est très drôle, j'ai moi aussi enfin découvert les cloches de ND ce samedi ! je n'ai pas encore publié mes photos, mais je compte le faire très rapidement. C'était un plaisir (malgré la foule), ces cloches sont magnifiques, toutes différentes. Et j'avais eu la chance de visiter la fonderie de cloches qui les a produites (Cornille-Havard à Villedieu-les-Poëles dans la Manche) il y a un an et demi, sans savoir que les cloches de ND y seraient fondues par la suite.

  14. Merci pour les photo Eric. J'ai vu un doc sur 'les racines et les Ailes" sur les nouvelles cloches. Très édifiant - sur la fonderie, les cloches et les personnes /artisans responsables de ces 8 chef-d'oeuvres. J'espère les écouter durant ma prochaine visite en Septembre.
