Friday, February 01, 2013


I love today's City Daily Photo bloggers community theme day (It was apparently suggested by Kate from Visual St Paul). Of course living in the Northern hemisphere and being in February helps a lot, but still ;-) I took this photo earlier in the month - when it was snowing that much - on the Champs Elysées and I really chased that guy because I thought this red umbrella would make a cool photo with the snow. I'm glad I saved it for today... Happy theme day. Check what other umbrellas look like all over the world


  1. Eric, you always manage to put a pop of color in your photos and the umbrella color is perfect for this shot. Love all the snow pictures you have shared with us.

    Happy February!

  2. Umbrella. Parapluie. Bumbershoot. Regenschirm. Ombrello. Such great words!

  3. Of course this red umbrella. But it's greater than just that, because of all the city lights at night, all that strang yellow-glod glow around it. You caught a great moment, picturally.

  4. I love this photo with the red umbrella!

  5. "Watchful" that's what he is "watchful". Even though his back is to us he seems to be standing tall, protected by his fabulous red umbrella keeping his eye on the traffic. Im sure they will be able to see him with that brightly coloured umbrella. Salut. J.

  6. A red parapluie in the snow .... perfect for our Theme Day Eric.

    "All Things French"

  7. It does make a very cool photo, Eric! We've had to give the umbrellas a bit of a workout here too, lately. The rain caught in the glow of the light is lovely, too. Have a beautiful weekend.

  8. Ce parapluie a la couleur Rouge baiser. Joli arrière plan.
    Rien à voir avec la photo, mais je me suis demandé si l'expression au sens figuré "ouvrir le parapluie", qui se dit en France de situations dans lesquelles on cherche à se dérober, existe aussi dans d'autres langues. Pratique mais peu glorieux. Qui ne l'a jamais fait cependant...? Je l'ai hélas fait quelquefois.

  9. The umbrella is really in focus - well captured!

  10. Because of its color, for a minute I thought it might be VJ's!

  11. I did not know of the expression "open the umbrella". I like it. Peut-etre mes amis can help me understand the expression correctly. Does it mean "look for the exit" or is it more like "seek shelter from the storm"?

  12. This shot was worth chasing. Nice capture, and a very nice mood you caught!

  13. Nice of you to remind us that Kate came up with the idea. A good one. Your photo is just wonderful. That person isn't going to be lost in the snow, for sure.

  14. Beautiful theme and a really nice capture in the photo.
    To open the umbrella means you are weak or scared in front of decisions or risk to assume personally. It is often used in the companies world. Quite embarassing.

  15. Merci, Clemence! Maintenant je comprends.

  16. He was worth the chase...and in snow no less! Beautiful capture, and very cool umbrella. It must've brightened up a cold winter's night!

  17. you were correct, it made a wonderful photo..
    Happy Theme Day :)

  18. I tried to comment earlier and couldn't - glad I can now. I like this so much.

  19. The moment you captured this snap shall be a great moment. The picture itself speak every condition and atmosphere of the city. However the contrast of the picture is very amazing. The thought of capturing it with red umbrella was fabulous.

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  20. Love this photo, details like the falling of snow at the top corner, the quasi silhouette body, the red umbrella...added together to tell the situation of a particular moment.

  21. It looks so much like a French painting! Love it.

  22. The whole composition shows that snow need not be dreary - this looks so fiery bright and the umbrella tops it off - the cherry on the cake!
