Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cool tunnel!

I know it's not the most glamorous scene you can think of when thinking about Paris (there are no white dinner parties everyday!), but it's also part of Paris! It's a brand new tunnel I came across with in the 13th arrondissement, in the brand new area they built recently over there. I love the street lights they used. That is all. Have a good weekend everyone. Sun is supposed to shine in Paris...


  1. Oh, very cool! Didn't know about a new area in the 13th—I don't suppose it features some affordable housing (ha ha).

  2. Those are fascinating structures! Are they "support beams" for the tunnel? Very aesthetic.

  3. Tres Cool!!!...mais cher did you "come across" this tunnel again?? ;) I loved the white dinner pics, but since I cannot handle crowds any longer...this shot is just perfect for me!

  4. That is GORGEOUS!! I love the lights. Ooh, feeling inspired to make something that is beautiful like that. If it works, I'll send a picture!
