Not that you're cownting, but it's the second cow I posted here. The reason why I show this one today is that the cow parade is coming to an end. The "cattle" will soon be heading towards La Defense where there will be a big final round-up from June 19 to June 24 (I'll show you a photo if I can). Unfortunately, this Paris cow exhibit did not avoid damage from vandals; several of them have had to be fixed and one was even stolen a couple of days ago...
I love that cow! It's moo-ving, in its own way.
ReplyDeleteCownapping. A new low.
ReplyDeleteThe fat lady sings!
ReplyDeleteQue bonita! Celine, she is probably singing a moo-ving aria.
ReplyDeleteEric,I would love one of those in my garden!Lol
ReplyDeleteI am running the funny caption competition over at Sainte Maxime DP today so why not come on over.
ReplyDeleteHere in Lafayette, LA USA we had Pelicans instead of cows. Really beautiful work unfortunately they've all been sold off for charity so I may only be able to find one or two to post on my Photo Blog.
Thanks for the cow!
Oh no, you know what this means Eric...more cow jokes! But to be serious for a moment, this one doesn't look like she's from Paris...MOO-DRID is more like it!
ReplyDeletePlease, Michael. I've got a beef with you. We're not in the mooood for more cow jokes - no bull!
ReplyDeleteLOL Buzzgirl...shouldn't you steak to what you know best? I hear Scottish beef is yummy... hee hee
ReplyDeleteOh! You seem to be in your prime! Scottish beef is okay, but it's a rare find. If I could pursuede you to try it, I think your response to me would be "Well-done!"
ReplyDeleteVery good Buzzgirl, very good!
ReplyDelete"Suede" was a "tough" one. I see I'll have to put my thinking cap on for this round of puns!
and the prettiest of all !
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I think a pun war is going on between Michael and Buzz. My money is on Buzz, she pulled out a couple pretty good ones there! Of course I'm a fiar-weather fan, so if Michael comes out with an excellant one I may just shift my support! Oh the excitement! Oh the drama! What will happen next?!?
ReplyDeleteBTW Eric, love this one! Put a grin on my face before I head off to work.
ooooouuu, i can ear police talking about the case "missing cow"
ReplyDeleteoh la vache Espagnol...
ReplyDeletebon je pensse qu'il y a probleme si les vaches se déguise bientot elles vont se mettre a voler...
A salute et ce soir rendez vous a 18H00 forza Francesi...
Looks like mad cow disease reached Spain! LOL!
Love the devine bovine Eric!
And holy cow Michael and Buzzgirl...I'm not gonna cower behind my screen anymore..no-no-noooooooo...a coward I am NOT!
Chompin' at the bit I am...gotta join in the fun! Think I'll milk this one for all she's worth! ;-)
Michael, doncha think she looks a little like Carmen Moo-randa?
And no doubt she got that dress on the infa-moos Rodeo Drive...and laid down more than a few bucks for it!
Oooops! Hafta run an errand! I'll be back...can't corral these choice thoughts for too long!
Keep those puns rolling! This is, indeed, a very cool vache espagnole!
ReplyDeleteWho is a-low-ed to steak a claim in this cowntest? And by the way, would this classy lady be a comtesse, contessa, or cowntess? Ok, ok, sorry I horned in. Hope I didn't slaughter the moood. (Eeew!)
ReplyDeleteIm in spain right now... so too funny...I can´t belive they stole one of them...cow stealers!
ReplyDeleteSimply said...
ReplyDeleteI give up!
Oh, Michael, don't give up so easily! Though I admit Ame served up some tasty puns on top of yours and Buzzgirl's. And, hey, Bazainville: around these parts we don't call it "cow stealin'", it's "rustlin'", and we hang rustlers.
ReplyDeleteWell Jeff, dairy I say that I don't think I'm up for milking this saga too much longer. Although I'd love a hol-stein of milk while I'm thinking it over, I'll just have to let you wait an-gus what I'll do.
ReplyDeleteOne thing is for sure, instead of thinking of cow puns, I'd rather watch my stock live (or would that be livestock) on the web. However, if I do that, I won't make it to the gym and then I won't be that buf-falo I'd like to be.
So there it is, my very last word;
I know it was, very abs-herd.
ReplyDeleteVoulez-vous danser le flamenco avec moi ?
ReplyDeleteThey have the same effect on Cows in scotland, the cow parade was there in May - see the link
sorry that link didnt work, try looking at Edinburgh blog for May, two lovely Maymooooo cows on there
ReplyDeleteGee I really wonder how you still can make all these cow jokes ?!
ReplyDeleteI thought you had depleted the stock in the first post!
There is never a shortage of cow jokes, eric! I gotta say, may favorite was Michael's "buf-falo!" One pun I that caught me off guard!
ReplyDeleteEric, was the Moulin Rouge cow by Petit Palais stolen?
ReplyDeleteIt was not there on my last visits and it was one of the better cows!
Ahhh soosha_q, you're just trying to butter me up. (thanks to Buzzgirl for that one)
ReplyDeleteheyyyy bonita vacaa!!! ^^
ReplyDeleteYeah, the Cow Parade.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a spanish cow, because of the clothes...
I have to say, the cows you have in Paris are a lot moer glam than the Edinburgh Cow Parade. I love them! So artistic - a truly unique exhibit, and where you'd least expect them! :)
ReplyDeleteHere in Chicago we had artistically decorated cows a number of years back. Most were on Michigan Avenue, our rue de Rivoli.
A number of them were damaged and one or two cownapped. What would you expect, it is Chicago after all!
Loved the B&W pic of the three alluring daily photo females a few days ago.
Steve in sunny Chicago
And they are cow-mming to Guadalajara on September!!!
ReplyDeleteCow parade here in Athens too. It seems that those Vandals are anywhere these days.
ReplyDeleteLouis la Vache appreciates the coverage you've given his bovine relatives in these photos! Cow Power!