Thursday, December 31, 2009


Tomorrow will be a theme day. I won’t have the occasion to post a typical New Year photo so let me do it today. I took this photo near my place and I thought I’d keep for today to put a - little -smile on everybody’s face (after all is there a better way to start the year?). You may have recognized (from left to right: Michael Jackson, Nicolas Sarkozy (current French President), Ségolène Royal (ex Candidate to the French Presidency) Carla Bruni (current wife of Nicolas Sarkozy) and Johnny Hallyday (famous French singer). As for me, I'm sending you all my love from Boston, where I am currently eating Foie gras (again!) and drinking Champagne that I specially imported for the occasion! And remember, if you want to follow the New Year's eve events live from where you are, here is the link to follow.


  1. Eric, you're making me jealous. Bon Appetit and Happy New Year!

    P.S. - the heads are hilarious. Oddly, the only one I recognized immediately was Johhny Hallyday.

  2. I thought that was Carla Bruni!

  3. Oops! I mistaken Ségo for Carla Bruni. Sarkozy is the one to blame.

    Muß es sein?

    Es Muß sein.

    Es Muß sein!

  4. The only one I didn't recognize is Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson didn't look anything like this, not even in Thriller ;)

  5. The only one I DID recognize was Michael Jackson. A fun way to begin the new year. Happy New Year!

  6. I recognized your president but didn't recognize Johnny Hallyday who I find so very fascinating. He seems like a Las Vegas type to me and I laugh often that the French are so enamored with him! I have listened on Youtube and still I'm laughing. Well here in the USA we have no room to poke fun with all the foolishness we pay to we did with Michael J. Enough said.

    Now, Eric a great big BONNE ANNÉE to you in Boston. Á bientôt!!!

  7. It's put a smile on my face! Happy New Year to you, Eric. May 2010 see you continue with this fantastic blog!

  8. I wonder if this guy could benefit by wearing the mask on the far right.

  9. spotted Johnny. Thought it was Carla.

    No idea who the other two were!!!!!

    Enjoy Boston - look out for the 'Make way for ducklings' statues. Feed the squirrels and shop at Filenes and Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.


  10. Hee hee, TG!!

    Eric, have a happy new year! And thanks for the link. I don't think I can stay up 'til midnight in California, but I can manage midnight in Paris!

  11. I agree with tomate..I didn't recognize MJ. Maybe that is the "Forest Lawn" version??

    Bonne Année à tous!! 2010?? C'est vrais??

    Eric..Foie gras and Champagne in Boston?? I could just spit...Lucky YOU!! LOL!!

  12. Happy New Year and thanks for your wonderful photos.

  13. It did put a smile on my face because the only one I recognised was Carla - who it wasn't!
    Jacko, even with his many facial reincarnations, never looked like that.

    Reminds me of the waxworks in our region which was notorious for the fact that its look-a likes didn't look-a-lot-like. People went there for a laugh because it was so naff.

  14. I recognized the two I knew of, on the left. It's driving me crazy...I want to take that leather cowboy hat and that black hat with red plumage and place them on two of those heads!

    Happy New Year one and all!

  15. I also think it's Carla B., not Ségo R.!!

    I wish everybody here a great night tonight and a Happy New Year!

  16. Agree with Thib, it's Carla... and Sego's on the far left, not MJ!

    Happy New Year everyone!

  17. Yep, I think it's Carla Bruni too.
    Have a nice réveillon (what's the english word for that by the way?)

  18. No you're all wrong.
    It's Professor Plum, Reverend Green, Miss Scarlett and Colonel Mustard.

  19. Happy New Year, Eric! Here's wishing you a marvelous 2010 I have a bottle of French champagne in my fridge to ring in the New Year.

  20. I don't think the first two are good likenesses at all! The other two, I don't know anyway.

    Enjoy your foie gras, Eric and Champagne. I shall be having Champagne too this evening. Happy New Year xxx

  21. Did not not say HAPPY NEW YEAR?! Drunk with lychee martini, I must be.

  22. Eric Happy New Year from Boston! I hope you have a wonderful time in my city! I'm not sure where you are enjoying your foie gras - but if you have a chance check out Craigie on Main, just a quick jaunt across the Mass Ave bridge in Cambridge. Excellent restaurant and amazing food.

  23. Drummond you are the one who always makes me smile
    Well, New Year's Eve is approaching really much now for people like me in France!! Of course a bottle of champagne is waiting for us in the fridge. I wish you the most delicious French-American meal, Eric, with many many smiles on your face. I trust you to have a little thought to Paris, at midnight (GMT) and to receive the kisses I'll send you overseas :)

    Happy New Year everyone!

    And yes, es muss sein! Es muss sein!

  24. You don't say what the Theme Day is! Can we not publish the theme here and not just for those in the forum? I'd like to participate more often ... :D

  25. Happy New Year everyone!

    I hope I can see you all in 2010.

  26. Yesssssss!!!! me ! Ohhh I'm so far away. I really fancy those Thib... :)

  27. Happy New Year. Thanks Eric for all beautiful pictures.

  28. Bonne Annee, Eric. Enjoy welcoming in the New Year in Boston. You're just a short hop away from my snowy NH hilltop.

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    "Here's to everybody, starting with us."

  29. I thought that Sarkozy was Sean Penn!! Haha!

    We are getting a small New Year's Eve Day snow storm in NY and it's very nice...enough to be pretty but I don't think it'll take much to shovel.

    Hope everyone has a good time this evening to look back on the year and make plans for better times in the next!

    Happy New Year.


  30. Happy New Year to Paris Daily Photo! May 2010 be filled with delight! xo Anne

  31. Bonne Annee to one and all!

    I can't get picture on the link to load. Does anyone have any tricks they're using to get a picture?

  32. Eric, I love that you wrote "Foie gras" and "Champagne"! I hope you can stay awake for US New Year's Eve - it will be the middle of the night for you!!

  33. Well, I've tried some other webcams and there's too much traffic to get on the sites. I guess everyone in the world wants to be in Paris!

  34. Hope your Boston New Year holiday was uber fun!
    The Johnny Hallyday mask reminds me that your wonderful pop icon has been on loan to us Americans for a bit. I heard he ended up having to enter hospital in Los Angeles when a back injury caused need for surgery while he was here to perform. I hope we send him back home right as rain after his recovery.
    I saw him in a fairly recent film called Man on the Train or something like that. I loved his acting and can see why he is such a French superstar! Love the smiling faces!

  35. LOVE Johnny Hallyday and I hope he is recovering from his surgery and ordeal. I just watched Vengence, I think his latest movie, and he's such an intense and intriguing person to watch act.

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