It's today! When this photo shows up on PDP, I'll be unwrapping my presents, feeling sorry for having eaten too much and not looking forward for more food tomorrow! But every year it's the same and I'm actually happy it is. So let me wish you all a merry Christmas. FYI, I took this photo in one of the windows of Le Bazar de l'hôtel de ville (BHV).
Merry Christmas! and thank you for making this year so lovely and informative. Best wishes to you and yours!
ReplyDelete.....electric blue:).....and for some a blue christmas.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you get, Eric? :D do tell... so you unwrap on Christmas Eve? I remember the same thing in Switzerland, but we in England open on Christmas Day, tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all PDPers x and a special kiss for you Eric, naturally xx ;)
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, Eric! Thanks so much indeed for your tremendous effort in making PDP the best place on Earth. I'm glad we crossed path. (BTW, I'm from Planet Venus i.e. Veneris)
ReplyDeleteMay I take this opportunity to send you my best wishes. "Merry Christmas to you et all your nearest & dearest."
Joyeux Noel!
Your photo has STYLE, and I love the bright blue color.
ReplyDeleteGOD JUL / Merry Christmas to yo and yours.
From Gunn in Stavanger.
Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel! to all, and thank you, Eric, for my daily dose of Paris.
ReplyDeleteAnd Merry Christmas to all PDPers! Lynn, I'm glad we are staying so close on this special day.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas x Meilleurs Vœux!
Me too, Keats ;)
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noel to you Too! Enjoy all that fabulous French food and have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noel, Eric. Thank you for the joy you bring us every day.
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noel to all at PDP!
Merry Christmas Eric. Have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteLove from les Benauts in Adelaide, South Australia xxx
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Eric. Thank you for sharing a bit of Paris and your life with us each day.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful shade of blue. Elvis would like this. :D
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, Eric.
It is hard to believe all the people I have met because of Paris Daily Photo. I started viewing it in late 2005. In May 2006 I actually met Eric and Michael and Arnaud and, I think, Thib, and some other people. In 2008 I think half of Paris showed up for the PDP picnic as well as people from all over the world. Some of them are still willing to talk to me! In 2009 we moved from the Seine to Canal St. Martin. What is next?
ReplyDeleteThank you to Eric for expanding my circle of friends, and my world.
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel.
Happy Christmas Eric and thank you for PDP and of course for CDP. Through you I've met several bloggers, nearly all of them CDP bloggers: Nathalie, Fabrizio, Peter, Richard, Chuckeroon and Monsieur Benaut, and Catherine - have made even more blogger friends online and even have a new job - via my photography - wherein I write articles and supply pics for a new Cote d'Azur website - and get paid! All thanks to YOU!
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noel, cher Eric.
Joyeux Noel, Eric, et bisoux from me too. PDP is like a present from Paris that I get to open every day! Thanks for sharing your beautiful city with us, and for getting me started on my own blogging adventure. Wish I'd made it to the pique-nique, but at least I got to meet you here in NYC!
ReplyDeleteOh, and love this post from the BHV (my favorite, la quincaillerie)!
Joyeux Noël from Estonia too. I love this blog! :)
ReplyDeletePretty and elegant ~ a very Parisian Christmas!
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noël and Merry Christmas, Eric. Thank you so much for your gift of PDP to us all year around. Have a beautiful day!
Happy Holidays to all.
ReplyDeletePS I saw that Le Clique is here in LHR! Is it better to see it here where it would be in English, or does it not matter, Eric?
Well you always tell me something I didn't know and today I finally learn what BHV stands for.
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noël Eric to you and your family. I'm glad you are able to spend time with them.
I so enjoyed meeting you last summer and look forward to seeing you again in just a few weeks. Like jilly, whom I"ve not met in person but chatted with on the phone many times while in France, I've made some wonderful friendships through CDP. Merci!!!
Merry Christmas to Eric and all the PDPers!!
ReplyDeleteI wish you all the best, because you all deserve it, of course! ;)
En portugais: Feliz Natal
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all my dear friends!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noel!!!!!!!!!
I love Christmas! Eric the only difference between your feelings about Xmas and mine is that I'm still looking foward to eat more today!!!!
One of the gifts that I got is a book about Veuve Clicquot!!
ReplyDeleteI am very interested in knowing how this woman managed to become THE reference in champagne.
She's another great french figure, I'm sure I'll enjoy the book!
Eric, thank you so much for sharing your city with us throughout this year.
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Noël, Merry Christmas and Wysolych Swiat from all of us to you.
Merry Christmas to all. And a special thanks to Eric for starting this CDP and continuing on so wonderfully with PDP. I enjoy reading it every day.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all the PDPers, and to Eric, thank you for your gift of a daily glimpse of Paris. Did anyone else get the Paris Quiz Book from Santa? I thought I knew Paris, but so far I am failing the quiz miserably.
ReplyDeleteEric, have a great day with your family.
ReplyDeleteA Very Merry Christmas to you and all the other PDPers everywhere.
Merry Christmas to Eric and all the lovely PDP readers! May your holiday season be filled with DELIGHT!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteJoyeux No'L' -- LOL !!
ReplyDeleteI've learnt a new word! Or is it two words?
Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying his/her new toys.
Mrs Vandertramp : why don't you tell here some of the questions of this quiz! I'm pretty sure you!'ll have big contenders around! ;-)
Very merry Christmas !
Joyeux No'L' -- LOL !!
ReplyDeleteI've learnt a new word! Or is it two words?
Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying his/her new toys.
Mrs Vandertramp : why don't you tell here some of the questions of this quiz! I'm pretty sure you!'ll have big contenders around! ;-)
Very merry Christmas and bisous to every Ssnta hidden in you all;)
Okay Flore. Here are a couple.
ReplyDelete3rd arrondissment. On the 10th of September 1424, what was placed on th corner of the modern rue aux Ours?
a. A gallows
b. A torch holder
c. A "mat de cocagne" (a greased pole with a goose at the top, which partcipants could climb up to claim a goose)
2nd arrondissement. What is unique about the rue de Degres?
a. The are no doorways along its sides
b. It's the shortest in Paris
c. It's in the form of stairs
5th arrondissement. What artist is responsible for the sundial inlaid in the wall of 27 rue Saint Jacques?
a. Savador Dali
b. Hector Guimard
c. Jean Tinguely
And for you, Suzy...
7th arrondissement. To what climatic change is the Eiffel Tower most suseptible?
a. Sun
b. Cold
c. Wind
Give it a go, mes amis, then I will post the answers.
By the way, this book only costs about $11 on Amazon, and provides hours of fun and lots of info about our favorite city.
I did not go to midnight Mass this year. I watched Mass on this station http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=57
ReplyDeleteI love this Christmas song. They have been playing on the Christmas music station. I think it is my favorite to date. Every year I get a new favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcqDS-g7lUQ
Presents unwrapped including some Eiffel tower tissues and a bottle of violet and rose liqueur all the way from Paris.
ReplyDeleteI have been lucky to visit Paris three times this year and know I can visit every single day via PDP. Thanks Eric and Merry Christmas to all.
Mrs. V = I guess the following:
ReplyDelete3rd - C; 2nd - B; 5th - A; 7th - B.
Joyeux to alllllll!
Thank you mrs Vandertramp. These questions are uneasy to me, I must say!!!
ReplyDeleteWithout any help, I would have done miserably too but it's fun! Well, now I can say I'm with Carry ;-) I think she made a great game!
Paris is my favorite city but I still don't know her very well... :)
Carrie--You are good! The 3rd is C. The 2nd is a trick question--all three are correct. 5th is A. 7th is A. That one surprised me.
ReplyDeleteAnd a very happy Christmas to you, Eric, from Seattle!
ReplyDeletemost interesting posting. i liked it. :-)
Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?