Look at the cute window I found in Le Marais! It's located just above the Brasserie La Perle, at 78, rue Vieille du Temple and it probably belongs to it (in fact, it's pretty common that the apartment just above a café or a restaurant be attached to it. Have a nice week everyone, ours will start with a super hot day - I'm talking really hot (+13° C compared the normal average)!
Do you suppose this is a portrait of the person who lives here? Wow—it's hot there (it was 37°C here one day last week). Don't melt, Eric!
ReplyDeleteVery cute - I just Googled it to see if there was an explanation for who the man in the window is, and while I didn't find an answer, it did say that this is the restaurant/bar where John Galiano had his meltdown rant, causing him to get fired from Dior.
ReplyDeleteHi Eric
ReplyDeleteJust keep rehydrated and encourage those around you, especially the elderly, to do the same. I think there will be a few more days like this before summer is over.
Very nice painting!! It is also very hot in Japan now.
ReplyDeleteMany of the windows above La Perle...especially those en face de rue de la Perle have characters painted upon them...as if sitting in or peeping out of the windows....this is right around the corner from my flat on rue Barbette....is frequented by models, designers, etc....and yes, it is where Galiano was filmed spewing his hatred....c'est la guerre! Thank goodness I have air conditioning....a rarity in Paris!
ReplyDeleteThis window is awesome! It is really too hot everywhere...
ReplyDeleteThe Window which you had to mentioned here is looking such an awesome. This Window is very attractive.
ReplyDeleteCharming--looks like something from a tiny fishing village in Greece from years ago. Let's all go there, just for a few days, and pump up their economy!
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased to announce that after a 24-year lapse, I have found my way back to Paris! I am writing from a (no a/c) flat in the Marais. Thank you, Eric, for the inspiration that I needed to coerce my husband and two sons to make the trip with me. The boys are still a bit too young to appreciate everything Paris has to offer, and it's been a challenge to hear repeatedly "this is boring" when of course Paris is anything but! Hopefully in a few years they will understand why we brought them here. We arrived on the evening of Fete de la Musique and the first thing I did was step in dog poop! So funny to later read your post on the subject, Eric! Later that evening, my son did the same thing...what can I say, it was dark and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right?! The next morning, I couldn't have been happier, for I was in Paris, digging dried poop out of my shoes! The Marais has been fascinating...so much life being lived. The Jewish quarter was humming yesterday, as was the Bastille the day before for Paris Pride. Sorry for the long post, but I can't say enough about the wonders of this place! Before I sign off, special 'hellos' to Petrea, Carrie and Jeff. We had a nice LA Area PDP lunch a few months back. A Bien Tot! Jennifer
ReplyDeleteWheather forecast says it should be 37°C in Paris today. So I have decided to stay working in my countryside home... Better than in my (no a/c) Paris office !!
ReplyDelete@Parisforme, all I can say is : enjoy, enjoy, enjoy !!
@Jennifer. Welcome to hot Paris then. I'm just back from the gym and it was already very hot outside, I think the day is going to be a nightmare - no A/C...
ReplyDeleteBut like you say, we're in Paris, so I guess we should not complain ;-)
I'l so sorry to hear that your kids keep telling you "this is boring"! Did you try a boat trip on the Seine. I could suggest Disneyland Paris, But somehow, I have the feeling that is not why you came to Paris!!!
And BTW, thank you Monnica for being the first to find out this was the café where Galiano's rant took place. I did not know.
ReplyDeleteThe "funny" part is that his trial took place last week.
conosco bene qella la brasserie La perle, vado in vacanza a Parigi in quel qurtiere da 10 anni, è bellissimo ! seguo sempre questo sito che tutti i giorni mi mostra delle fantastiche foto di Paris. ciao
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful shade of blue! And no, it is not hot everywhere -- we've been wearing warm stuff again, didn't reach 60F last week a few days! But there are signs of warmer days to come! Enjoy the sunshine, stay healthy there in Paris. Me, I'm going to enjoy this blue window the same hue as my front door here at home! I'll think of Paris whenever I look at it this week! :D
ReplyDeleteIl fait si chaud aujourd'hui, ils feraient mieux de fermer complètement la fenêtre... Il y a peut-être un deuxième dessin sur l'autre fenêtre d'ailleurs. L'homme a bien l'air de regarder quelque chose... En tous cas c'est pas aujourd'hui qu'il faut aller là-bas! Voilà ce que j'ai lu sur le restaurant La Perle (avis à ceux qui aiment être collés-serrés sous 40°C! ouh la... ça doit chauffer; et puis de toute façon je suis pas très Maraisien...)
ReplyDelete"Étrangement, la Perle est un des bars les plus courus du Marais. Certains s'en plaignent, d'autres s'en réjouissent. Le secret de cette petite perle ne tient pas en sa déco de vieux bar PMU ni en sa disposition tout en longueur où l'on ne peut qu'effleurer les autres clients. Son succès tient en sa clientèle, celle du quartier, celle du Marais, excessive, très branchée, un peu désinvolte, quelquefois superficielle, mais souvent volubile et enjouée. Qu'on se le tienne pour dit : le Marais est aux maraisiens !"
Thanj you Eric for your dedication for this blog. I follow it everyday and this you La Perle:)
Yipes! 37 degrees? That's a two-scoop Berthillon day. Here in Nouvelle Mexique we are on our second week of triple digit temps, but that's not really unusual. What is new this year is the smoke from multiple wildfires. Stinky!
ReplyDeleteHow fun...and it seems to capture the spirit of Le Marais. That's where my boyfriend and I stayed, our one (and only, ever) night in Paris last September, at the very nice Hotel Beaubourg on Rue Simon Lefranc.
ReplyDeleteStay cool!
: )
Is that man a seaman? Don't know why, maybe the blue color and the stripes...? A new painting for the shutters seems a bit necessary, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteAnyway this is a perfect photo to cool the heat we are living today. But I'm pretty cool at my office, thanks to the A/C!
Well tonight, this will be much harder to bear, when back to my home...
@Parisforme: Maybe they'd like the Moulin Rouge!
ReplyDeleteThe boat trip is probably a better idea.
Have fun for me!
I like the simplicity of this window treatment very much, Eric. I think that the height of summer in Paris, is probably not for such as me.
ReplyDeleteThis guy and his cap and sideburns somehow remind me of the men of Marseille in the Fanny trilogy. Flore - I think its also his striped shirt that reminds one of sailor types. Its kind of funny that he has no body, too!
ReplyDeleteJennifer -- I'm so excited for you and your family. Its so cool that you are there! I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm so jealous, too! : )
Eric, Thib, Petrea and Carrie, Thank you for the 'warm' welcome! I am perspiring as I write this...LOL. Yes, we did the boat ride. (The Moulin Rouge may have to wait a few more years!) Our 9 year old loved it and our 12 year old was mildly amused. it has been interesting to see what resonates with each boy. The older one really likes the street art. There was a street art exhibit on the plaza at St. Sulpice. He took oodles of pictures and even got to tag a large canvas as part of a group art piece. They teach them young here in Paris! Speaking of art, Eric, you might check out Palais Royal today. Some men were installing something by a Greek artist and said the big reveal would be today (Tuesday).
ReplyDeleteWhat a great photo. Walking around Paris, there is a wealth of fantastic imagery. Your selection is outstanding.
ReplyDeletethe design of this window is very nice and attractive but needs some paint on it...