Thursday, March 08, 2012

Happy Women's Day!

I know this concept of "a day" to think of a special cause or target group is a bit silly (what do we do the rest of the year, forget about the cause?!), but I suppose it's better than no day at all! And since I have a lot of female visitors, I figured I would dedicate this post to them today! Men will have to wait for their day... er... wait a minute... there is no men's day, is there?! . FYI 53% of the Paris population are women and like in the rest of the country they still suffer from huge inequities. Our Latin roots I suppose... My photo today comes from the carnival that took place in February and that I already told you about here.


  1. Oh, Eric! Given the inequities in pay and in some laws, every day is by default "Men's Day."

    Nice kitty mask!


  2. Marvelous photo and meaningful post! Thank you.

  3. I like her 'attitude' more of a grrrrrr! than a purrrrrr!

  4. Thank you for honoring us today - love the pic!

  5. Meow! I'm so happy to be a woman and to be the person I am. Would I change all that to make more money and have more power? Nope, not a bit. Although for those women in the world who don't have the freedom to make choices with their life as I do, I hope someday that they will be free to make those choices.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Happy International Women’s day, especially to all brave women who fought for a world where women and men have equal opportunities, rights and status in the society.

  8. What a cute and proud cat to symbolize all women on this day. We have to remember the women who fought the real battles and that we still have to fight for womens rights all over the world.

  9. Flirty cat! ;-)

    Thank you for the dedication!
    I remember fondly the small bouquets of mimosas they were handing to girls and women in Rome.

  10. Mr. PHX just taught me about shallow depth of field at a photo exhibition yesterday, and voila, here it is today on PDP!
    Meow? Grrr? I am woman, hear me ROAR!( in numbers too big to ignore and I am showing my age).

  11. Great post for the day. I've featured a sculpture.

  12. There is men's day, exactly in 2 days! :)

  13. Yes, merci ..... !
    Have a nice day, all women !

  14. Love the pic and the commentary! Men need a day!

  15. @Magdalena "There is men's day, exactly in 2 days! :) Er??? What is it?



    Yeah Eric, Latin roots....

  17. Thanks so much for taking the time to honor women. As you have probably read or heard in the news some of us women in the US are fighting "a war on women" right now. Fighting not only for our reproductive rights but equal pay and working conditions. Sigh...I thought by now these issues would have been put to bed!!!

  18. International Men's Day is 19 november according to Google

  19. @Drummond. And you speak Latin too! Or is it Google Translate?!

    @Kris (and Buzzgirl!) "Fighting not only for our reproductive rights but equal pay and working conditions."

    Well, it would not be very different if you lived in France... A study released today shows that French women are paid on average 25% less than men (it's improving though, 10 years ago it was 29%) and there is a 40% difference between men an women when it comes to dealing with the house chores!

    But... the average French woman lives 85 years, whereas the average French man only lives 78 years!

  20. Oups, sorry if u didn't understand me ( just my English :). I wanted to say that (in my country) we 'celebrate' Man's Day on 10th March, but in the world this date is different.
