Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Berenice Abbott exhibit opening

Last evening I went to a photo exhibit opening at the Jeu de Paume museum (located in the Tuileries gardens at Place de la Concorde). The exhibit was about Berenice Abbott, a photographer my American visitors may know of, for she was American and famous for her black and white photos of New York. The reason why I went to this opening last night is that it was staged by my friend Nino Comba who I already featured on this blog a few years ago on the occasion of a Nuit Blanche event. Some may also have recognized the mystery visitor in the photo ;-)


  1. Can't remember his name. Something like Velveeta? ;-)

  2. Those are very cool photographs. I love black and whites. (I may have to get my camera out tomorrow! :)

    Michael, is that you??

  3. @Christie, or in ET Suzie's words, "Peek-a-Boo I see you" Michael.

  4. Ooh, nice exhibit. I'm jealous. I also am embarrassed that I never visited the Jeu de Paume.

    I believe it's the mysterious Monsieur Velveet ExPatriot J'aime Beurre de Cacahuète. But that's just his Christian name. Code name: Jiffy. (Oh, yes, I remember the request that 'Caines bring him some. If I make it back...)

  5. I don't know who it is, but you'd think he could have taken his coat off while inside (if it weren't so darn cold)...

    Great exhibit Nino with even a visit by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Frédéric Mitterrand!

  6. Oohhh...Mr. Mystery... I think it's that French guy...

    I would like to go to this exhibit.

  7. Love the composition in this photo.
    The mystery Man becomes part of the exhibit :)

  8. this speaks for itself:

    When you photograph people in color
    you photograph their clothes.
    But when you photograph people in B&W
    you photograph their souls!

    :)You spend your nights in a great ways!

  9. Mon ami M!!! :) Good to see him again and you of course behind the camera Eric! I'd love to see her exhibit. I"m always missing something good in Paris!

  10. I'm green with envy, Eric! But thanks for sharing, of course. :~} Even if Michael does crave Velveeta and beurre de cacahuette (and what self-respecting American doesn't?), I happen to know that he is Parisian enough to also love crème fraiche with his tarte Tatin.

  11. Alexa always knows how to make everything sound so good-as do you Eric!
    Lovely photo, I wish I were there. ; )

  12. Hey, I'm getting a bad rep with this Velveeta thing... (and a craving I might add!)

  13. I wonder what the picture is behind his head? Was that deliberate?

  14. @Honest Abe. Well no not really. It's always hard to photograph an exhibit... What are you going to take; a photo of a photo ? I try my best to be creative!

  15. There is something FLL about this photo...no...PGH.....no...CDG

  16. No PHX2CDG, there's something LOL about this photo and that's all! :-)

  17. I think I know that mystery man and I am in total agreement that he has an addiction to Velveeta ;)

  18. ooh a mystery French Man! I think I may know him! :-)
