Saturday, February 25, 2012

French drive through

Something pretty unusual happened next to my home today... A car backed into a restaurant! Nobody was injured or anything, but the owner of the place must have been pretty frightened by this very pushy customer! One of the guys contemplating the scene while I was taking the photo said to me "you know, it was a woman who got confused between the brakes and gas pedal!" My guess is that he did not really know...


  1. Some people will do anything for a free meal.

  2. maybe she/he was in desperate need of a drink? :-)

  3. Happens in San Diego a lot.

  4. Whether XX or XY, somebody clearly got confused between the brake and gas pedal. Yikes. Nobody injured? That's all that matters. Everything else is just stuff.

  5. That scene looks very puzzling - how did it happen, how did the car get in that position? But it's a good thing no one was injured!

  6. Incroyable la position de la voiture ! comment cela a-t-il pu se passer ??? et les 2 "piquets" métalliques eux aussi pliés, la voiture n'y est pas allée de main morte !

  7. Bonjour Madame,

    Let's see what we have here,

    1 x bottle red wine 7.00 euros
    1 x bottle white wine 7.00 euros
    1 x new shop front 5,000 euros

    That will be 5,014 euros please. Would you like a bag for the wine?

  8. I am surprised that the scooter was not involved in someway. Interesting shot in black and white. Long neglected, black and white is how I began, in 1953, in Japan. It was before 35mm color film was available. And the fascination with 35mm was not that strong yet. I also used a camera with a twin lens. It used 120mm film on a roll. I just recently retired the camera and the extra flash unit that attached to it. ANYWAY, do you process your own black and white or just use a conversion program for digital? Interesting to see something in black and white again.

  9. Hmmmph. To assume it was a woman. Just have to say if they did a study of how many drivers there are and the proportion of accidents to male/female drivers, I think you might be surprised. Anyway, glad no one was hurt!

  10. Déjà vu! Olivier Magny posted this same scene on Facebook yesterday. There must have been a crowd of photographers documenting this site. I am partial to your black & white version.

  11. I confirm Eleanor...I too had the "luck" to be there. But the b&w really makes it different as Honest Abe mentioned.

  12. WOW! I can't even imagine!

  13. Is there so little parking in your neighborhood?!

    Tomate Farcie

  14. Seriously, I have a hard time believing that the little car alone could do that kind of damage on the poles in the sidewalk. I believe there is more to this story!

    Tomate Farcie

  15. "French Drive Through" awh, you are very clever. What a great title for your photo. I love it!
