Amazing story! Last June 26, on this roundabout (called Place de Clichy and located at the crossing of 4 arrondissements: 8th, 9th, 17th & 18th) was found a 3/4 year old kid called Ryan. He was left in a fast food restaurant (Quick Burger) and stayed there one hour before the manager started wondering about the kid and call the police. He speaks French but is unable to say who his parents are. The police are still investigating... I can't help thinking of what is happening in England with Madeleine McCann only there the child is missing, not the parents.
That's SO tragic. Every 3-year old kid's nightmare -- to be abandoned. I used to make my kids carry ID on them when we were in strange places, but I must admit I didn't always make sure they had it on them.
ReplyDeletehow can you forget your child ? this is unbelievable. I hope his parents will show up or the police will find them out very soon. Poor Ryan :(
ReplyDeleteyes every childs fear is for their parents to get lost, so be wary parents not to lose your way around... hopefully his parents are found
ReplyDeletewhat a very beautiful photo!!!
Oh, my goodness, I haven't seen this neighborhood since I was about that poor kids' age... From this angle and if you don't look at the cars too closely, it looks like it hasn't changed one bit! That sky is magnificient, by the way!
ReplyDeleteWell, I hope somebody finds Ryan really soon! There are way too many stories nowadays abput stolen kids, lost kids, abandonned kids, and all kinds of other situations illustrating how desperate some people are (some because they want children so bad, they're willing to steal them - or even buy them!- from others, and others because they just can't take care of them...) Either way, it's all very sad.
Awww, the poor boy. So very sad. No child deserves something like this.
Sad story, but a great looking photo.
ReplyDeleteDid they find the parents? BTW, I love this photo so much. The color of the sky made the photo dramatic.
ReplyDeleteProblem half solved : some relatives recongnized his photo in the newspapers, gave the mother's name.
ReplyDeleteShe is searched for by the police. She could be seen on a security video leaving the fastfood
The sentence for abandonning a child is 7 years in jail.
No mention of a father so far...
I remember getting lost when I was a kid. It has been so many years ago and I still remember it!
Poor child. The clouds look neat in your photo.
ReplyDeleteIncredible story, heard about it! I trust it will be solved quickly!
ReplyDeleteYes, as has already been pointed out, the photo of Place de Clichy is really nice!! I pass by every second day, but never captured a photo. Did you ever check who the statue represents? I did: Maréchal Moncey. Then I had to check who he was..., but that's another story. Sorry!
It's very sad to hear about the little boy. I hope a good result happens very soon.
ReplyDeleteYour photo of Place de Clichy is superbe, and the link you provided is absolutely tremendous. I have enjoyed seeing Parisian trams and Renault 12 Police cars, both, echos from the past. There is enough information to keep me going for weeks. Merci beaucoup, Eric.
I haven't heard about that story before today and feel very sad for the little boy. Hope all your comments could warm his heart, wherever he is. I agree with you : beautiful photo.
ReplyDeleteWhat a strange story... still, I think it must be easier to find parents (then kids), so I hope everything ends well.
ReplyDeleteThe kid is gorgeous! And I can´t help saying, so is today´s photo!
I too am sad for Ryan. Poor little boy, he must have felt so lost and worried. I do hope his parents are found and that it is found why he was left. If not for some reason, that he is living with caring people. What a lovely little boy he looks!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking Madeleine today, Eric, the more the better! Indeed her parents are definitely not missing; they are pictured and followed everywhere with a new celebrity status and, despite having left their children alone whilst being out for dinner, are now moving into a work position of child care - an organisation to do with other missing children and the prevention of abduction! I make no apology in saying that one prevention would be to stay home with one's children, for a start.
What is happening in the investigation is not a great deal at present in the public eye. Secrecy laws in Portugal prevent much coming out but i believe lots going on in the background. Today i can tell you that the Portuguese police, PJ, say that they are concentrating on Praia da Luz (where Madeleine disappeared)and that they are still focussing on Murat, the one named suspect, but also 'on others'. Time will tell...
Great photo, Eric.
The photograph as mentioned by others is wonderfully composed with an awesome sky. The story you relate is less than awesome, criminal in fact. Various forms of child abuse seems to be common throughout the world and one that should shame all cultures.
ReplyDeletePoor children...
ReplyDeleteFyi everybody, i have just read Le Monde.fr that Ryan's mother is founded, in Maroc...
ReplyDeleteNice photo, Eric!
Can confirm what Michelle is telling. Father (seperated from mother) has presented himself to the police. Mother left the kid and vanished!! Explanations?
ReplyDeleteA great post about a tragic story.
ReplyDeleteWithout condoning the action of the parent(s) who abandoned Ryan, perhaps there was some desperate situation in which they could not care for him, so left him in a 'place of relative safety', in the hope that the authorities would find good foster care for him?
I know it's not a responsible way to act, but remember that some people may be illegal immigrants or have other good reason to fear disclosing their identity to the state authorities.
In the past, wasn't the church porch, or door way, the traditional place to abandon a child? But a fast food place is warm, with people around, so Ryan would be noticed.
I grieve for Ryan's loss of his parents, but also for his parent(s) who perhaps miss him terribly and have to live with the consequences of their action.
7 pm uptade (French time). They did spot the mother in Morocco as Michelle said but no yet of the "real" father.
ReplyDeleteThe odd thing is that several men claimed to be his father but none of them had the matching DNA...
Ahhh, this sort of thing always disturbs me, especially when I think of all the people that long for a child and cannot have one! And in a "Quick" of all places! Ahhh, la tristesse! Merci, Eric!
ReplyDeleteIsn't that sad? I mentioned him on my weblog (Marie's weblog,not my photo blog). I think his name should be spelled Rahiane as his mother is from Morocco.
ReplyDeleteI also mentioned that little baby girl who was found buried alive in a field in India. She is still alive after spending two days under the ground!!!
Superbe ce cliché. Je me permet de le prendre pour fond d'écran...
ReplyDeleteVery nice shot...good light...cheer
ReplyDeleteAmazing photograph! I hope the parents are found. Sounds quite odd, really.
ReplyDeletesuch a sad story, I hope it has a happy ending
ReplyDeleteStunning photo with such a sad story. I hadn't heard about the little boy before. For some reason, his abandonment reminds me a bit of the story of Kaspar Hauser. Of course, Kaspar was much older, and no one was ever able to discover who his parents were.