Saturday, July 14, 2007

Le Bal des Pompiers

Traditionally on the eve of Bastille Day (that we actually call "Le 14 juillet") there are plenty of little Balls throughout France. Some are organized by city halls, some by bars... but the most popular ones are the ones organized by the Pompiers (Firemen). That is where I took this photo last night (Friday) - namely at the rue du jour station - , on the way back from the movie theater where I saw Shrek the 3rd. None of the dancing people photos came up well, sorry... Have a good Bastille day weekend.


  1. Have a great Bastille Day. I wish I was there...

  2. Happy Bastille Weekend to all our French friends!!!

  3. Careful Eric on that scooter while you maneuver your way through les défilés du 14 juillet.


  4. Good, not a parade photo! But I wouldn't mind seeing some of the dancing in this ball, even if the photos were a big blur.

    Have a great Bastille Day!!! Wish I was there to see the fireworks at Tour Eiffel..

  5. Somebody said Tour Eiffel? lol

    I have to tell you, though, these fire trucks look a little small compared to the U.S. ones! Of course, a US firetruck would never make it through many of the the smallest streets in Paris, so that's just as well.

  6. As a retired "Pompier" I assume that the fireighters balls are the largest!

  7. Hurray for the "Pompiers!" Although, I can't imagine navigating through the "Parisian thoroughfares" (Clifford Brown/Max Roach reference)or any rues getting to a fire...or a cat up a tree. Happy Bastille! Viva la France!

  8. Just to get people in the mood:

    Allons enfants de la Patrie
    Le jour de gloire est arrivé
    Contre nous de la tyrannie
    L'étendard sanglant est levé
    L'étendard sanglant est levé
    Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
    Mugir ces féroces soldats!
    Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
    Égorger vos fils et vos compagnes

    Aux armes citoyens,
    Formez vos bataillons
    Marchons! Marchons!
    Qu'un sang impur
    Abreuve nos sillons

    ...Amour Sacré de la Patrie
    Conduis, soutiens nos braves vengeurs
    Liberté, Liberté chérie
    Combats avec tes défenseurs
    Combats avec tes défenseurs
    Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire
    Accoure à tes mâles accents
    Que tes ennemis expirants
    Voient ton triomphe et nous, notre gloire
    Nous entrerons dans la carrière
    Quand nos aînés n'y seront plus
    Nous y trouverons leur poussière
    Et la trace de leur vertus!
    Et la trace de leur vertus!
    Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre
    Que de partager leur cercueil
    Nous aurons le sublime orgueil
    De les venger ou de les suivre

    Aux armes citoyens,
    Formez vos bataillons
    Marchons! Marchons!
    Qu'un sang impur
    Abreuve nos sillons

  9. Ok is it me or I just saw the top of the Tour Eiffel changing into bleu blanc et rouge? (yes I can see the iron tower from here!)

  10. Alors...La Fete Nationale!! Enjoy Eric!!! We are watching the defile a Paris..maintenant!! Impressive..wish I were there! Thanks to TV5 Monde!!!

    The danse sounds like a good idea as long as they don't ask me to put out any fires! Oh la la!!!

  11. I wonder if it's becasue les pompiers are sexy as all get out! Firemen have that reputation in many places! Oooh, those men in uniforms - men who help,don't arrest you, and don't fire guns at you! (not to forget all the lovely fire women, of course....)

  12. lol Sally! You're my kind of gal! Happy Bastille Day!

  13. Joyeux fête nationale! A French-language group that I belong to is having our own fête today, avec beaucoup de Français. How so many French people ended up in Richmond, Virginia, I have no idea. But I like it!

  14. Happy Bastille Day!

    les pompiers...hey!!! ;) eh girls??? lol!

  15. Happy Bastille Day! Please post some photos of the celebrations, Eric!

  16. Being American, I thought of Louis XVI on our July 4th and how my country might not even exist if it wasn't for him .. what a good, sincere man he was (referring to his financial help and that of the French with our American Revolution). I think of him again today on your independence day... and although it sounds unlikely, deep down I do think he'd be happy with how things out for France. France and America will always be linked in the heart and I do believe that they always want the best for each other. . . so thank you Louis, thank you France and thank you Eric for your beautiful blog. Love and respect from America and
    Happy Bastille Day!
