Here we go again... Today is June 1st and it's a theme day within the City Daily Photo community. This month's theme is "Feet" and I must say that when I saw that I was a little puzzled. What was I going to photograph? I first thought of a giant foot but I couldn't think of such a thing in Paris. I also thought of reusing this one, but that would have been cheating! So in the end I simply stood at my window and started shooting the passers-by feet (I hope no one saw me, otherwise they are going to think I'm a pervert!!). By the way, for your information "Le Pied" in French has a similar meaning as "the gas" in English. 3 PM update: for those of you who know Monica - a true PDP follower - don't worry she was not on the plane that crashed; she has arrived in Paris safe and sound.
Like always, see how this theme inspired the other members of the community.
A clever approach, Eric. And how interesting -- I've been thinking about views from Parisian windows!
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool, Eric! Lots and lots of Parisian feet. And I love that you did it all in black and white too.
ReplyDeleteParisian Heart -- GF! Are you adorning the crown with feet? I find myself at a computer at the moment, but I sure would rather be in Paris with my American feet promenading all over la ville!
ReplyDeletea very nice collection Eric!
ReplyDeletehappy cdp theme day.
The collage is very good because so much of the feet are in motion. Collages are always interesting, too. I think that this theme day will be fascinating, as long as no-one puts a foot in their mouth!!
ReplyDeletelol Eric with the foot fetish, they'll say!
ReplyDeleteThis collage is amazing. Are you sure they're all strangers? I would guess the third from bottom on the right is Guille. :)
I don't know how to make these collages. Photoshop class?
So Le Pied is a good thing? Love the shoes!
ReplyDeleteThis is great! Love the black and white!
ReplyDeleteAlexa, feet on a crown? Hmmm .... That doesn't sound too appealing to me. How about designer shoes along with cobblestones from the streets of Paris?
ReplyDeleteTrust Lynn to get fetish in there! Love the idea of the montage and as portrait view in mono is excellent too.
ReplyDeletelol Babooshka I'm sure I don't know what you mean :0
ReplyDeleteAll the feet are in motion. Very dynamic collage.
ReplyDeleteCool photo! I always enjoy looking at shoes, with or without feet in them.
ReplyDeleteEric, sorry to hear you are under the weather. I have been ill this last week, I caught a bug while in Paris. I got plenty of sleep, and it went away. Today is the first day that I am feeling myself again.
Guille, I do not know if you remember, but I made a few short 1 minute videos at the PDP party. I just downloaded them from my camera. If I email them to you, and you like them, please feel free to post them on FaceBook. I especially like the video of you give a toast to the camera audience.
ReplyDeleteMeet FEET! Greet French feet! Feet on the street! Amusant! Bravo! Bonjour de EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA
ReplyDeleteMan, talk about getting walked on...of course, I mean les rues de Paris! ;-) Do like the B&W and think your collage is better than some universities I've known. BIDDA (small) "boom"! Hey, I hear Dionne Warwick singing "If you see me walking down the street And I start to cry each time we meet Walk on by, (trumpets here of course) walk on by..." Okay, that was kind of sad. Moving on-- Happy June to all (PS: tis my birthday month for those buying me a brewski on the 20th). *wink wink, nudge nudge. Ahem-n-m.
ReplyDeletefeet... how pedestrian. Ha! I remember walking from the fourth arrondissements to the Eiffel Tower and back in a day , the French waiter that we talked to that night thought we were crazy. Paris is the best for putting feet to pavement.
ReplyDeleteSo many casual shoes. These must be tourist feet! I wish a pair of them were mine.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to do a collage, either, Lynn. I suppose if you have the right software it's possible. I'll have to look for such a function in mine. (Not photoshop...)
LOL! I laugh to hear you say you had trouble with this theme, because I posted three examples from your blog to help someone with their confusion, back on the June ballot thread. This is lovely.
ReplyDeleteLooks like narrow black slacks are “in.” Just about everyone is wearing comfortable shoes. Love it.
ReplyDeleteIf they would tighten up on the choreography just a bit, they could find that they have a hit show on their hands. I mean feet.
Coltrane – This is amazing. I found a performance of Dionne Warwick done, apparently, at yesterday’s hotel.
When we visited Paris in April my wife was obsessed with taking pictures of shoes she saw as we toured the city. Love it.
ReplyDeleteNice photo collage! And great in b&w. Is this something you learned at the Photoshop workshop you've attended recently? But with your tech skills, you probably already knew how :>)
ReplyDeleteThis is perfect Eric. I love the collage and the b/w - adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the overall photo. It was lovely seeing you the other day :)
ReplyDeleteNice collage of feet. Happy theme day. Please come check out my blog.
ReplyDeleteLove the collage and mix of feet and shoes and way of walking.
ReplyDeleteWell my feet are saying that I've walked too many miles in Paris this week! Grrrooannn! Good take on the theme today E.
That's beautiful to see all these feet in motion.
ReplyDeleteThose I'm going to see today at Roland Garros tournament will be very interesting to follow too !
I won't have Eric's talent to take as nice shots but be sure I'll think of his pics.
I love this B&W collage. It should be a poster.
ReplyDeleteVoilà quelqu'un qui fait attention à la marche !
ReplyDeleteEt c'est... grisant ?
Oh, the many, many feet we meet!
ReplyDeleteFeet-al fashion! All that within a few minutes at the window, Eric? I'm sure it wouldn't have taken you longer than that!
ReplyDeleteMonica, I DO hope you didn't use Air France to arrive in Paris today, a plane is missing between Rio and CdG right now. I pray that everyone is fine and you are making your way safely toward France.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Marylène,
ReplyDeleteMonica, please tell us you are NOT on Air France.....
Just spoke with Monica: all is well!
ReplyDeleteFC, Thanks for the good news ;-)
ReplyDeleteMonica is safe, Eric has told me. It has been a worry for a while though...
ReplyDeleteThe plane is being searched around an island off Brazil, Fernando de Noronha and the feeling is something sudden happened, rather than gradual failure of engines. Air France has said 'Il y a aucune espoir' - no hope. :(
Plane sent message had an electrical short circuit after strong turbulence but that's the only contact.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I am so happy for Monica but so sad for the 220 persons who were on that plane.
ReplyDeleteJe suis de tout coeur avec leurs familles et amis.
Have a wonderful trip in France, Monica. Even if we never met or talk to each other, I am very happy for you and hope that you have great times visiting our country and your blogger friends.
Lynn, our English teacher, it is correct to write "even if" ?
ReplyDeleteI hope it has not negative meaning. What I meant to say was something like : "I don't know you but I seem to know you a little and I am happy for you, as I would be for a friend ....."
Even if is ok, Marylene, all would be understood without any mishaps!
ReplyDeleteHowever, it has a future connotation whereas you required a past, i.e. that up til now you haven't met, so I would prefer to use 'Although we haven't met.... rather than 'even if' but it's sooooooooooooooo slight a preference, it's just me being my usual fussy! :D
Your English is superb. Honestly. You all put my French to shame. I am so rusty.
Woke up to the news about the Air France plane. So sad. But of course I am SO relieved to hear that our Monica is safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteI had the same problem trying to think of what sort of feet to post. I like the montage.
ReplyDeleteI woke up, turned on the radio and heard frightening news. I am very very glad to hear that Monica is safe in Paris. Thank you for letting us know. Now I can re-start my day.
ReplyDeleteLynn, the fact is I worked for an American firm a loonggggggggg time ago so I HAD to speak or, at least, to understand English but mainly technical one.
ReplyDeleteWhat I really have to confess is that the (huge) non-sophisticated part of me has always been fan of SF.
And, when I was a teenager and a totally non-interested English student in Calais, we managed to get ITV on our television.
And I had such a crush on an actor of a totally kitch English TV series called UFO that I was mad not understanding him and that was the start of my relationship...
with English language (not with him, too bad !)
Yes people Monica HAS ARRIVED in Paris. Thank God.
ReplyDeleteAlors, Eric, fais un gros bisou à Monica de notre part à tous.
ReplyDeletePas vraiment désagréable comme requête, n'est ce pas ?
What??? Actual tennis shoes??? And flip flops? I thought Parisian feet wouldn't be caught dead in these! :)
ReplyDeleteI do love this photo Eric, and you chose only classy shoes, that's cool to make people believe that French have good taste. LOL
ReplyDeleteYou know what Lynn, yes, it could be me!
I had lunch with Eric and Monica.
Even though I KNEW that Monica was already in Paris, my heart skipped a beat when I heard the news on the radio. Thanks God she's safe.
I'm thinking about these people though...that's a terrible story.
I KNEW it could easily be you, Guille. Er....WAS it? :)
ReplyDeleteHOw lovely that you had lunch today and she looks fantastic, thanks Eric for the photo!
My heart skipped too. It is an awful story for those people, really terrible and it brings it home when there is a risk it could have happened to someone you know. I can't imagine... I don't want to.
Sarkozy on way to Terminal Two.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Monica must be quite shocked, herself, to hear the news?
Lynn, she is shocked. And sends her love to all the PDPers (by text, through me).
ReplyDeleteYes it is a lot !!!!
ReplyDeleteJLR was a few meters from me at this moment... LOL
That's quite awesome!
Not JLR but the game ;)
Relief all round that Monica wasn't on the plane which crashed, but tinged with sadness for those who were, and their families and friends.
ReplyDeleteIt's true, my first feeling was relief at Monica's safety. I feel sheepish at my selfishness; this is a terrible tragedy.
ReplyDeleteKnow what you mean, Petrea.
ReplyDeleteI bet she's shocked, Guille. I'll send her a text too.
Terrible tragedy I heard of. Feeling sad for all who hurt and cry. Sorry. Happy to know that Monica is safe in Paris.
ReplyDeleteWhat a giant relief. This just proves that Monica should STAY in Paris. Do you think she's willing?
ReplyDeleteI just landed at JFK from Paris and the taxi driver told me about Air France. I was beside myself because I was sure Monica was supposed to land today in Paris.
ReplyDeleteI just couldn't stop crying until I got home and checked to see if there was another carrier that went nonstop. There is, and the code is JJ , whatever that airline is. It gave me hope. Then I wanted the PDP'ers to have the same info...and there it was.. Eric's fantastic news!!!! Thank you for letting all of us from around the world who have come to love Monica know that she is ok. I'm still a little shakey, but very happy.
Did you take that JJ airline? The lady at your hotel said you were arriving June 1 in Paris. She, uh, also corrected my French in the note I left you, LOL.
Poor Phx. I too was very upset first thing this morning when I heard. Rose and I spoke on the phone then, once we heard from Eric she was ok, you should have heard our voices at the last phone call! Elated!! I too felt distraught; sure she would be on it, as I knew she said 'one more day and I'm in Paris!'. Phew.
ReplyDeleteI love your photo(s) what a great way to interpret the theme. I am sorry to hear of this tragedy.
Ok so I think we need a little light relief. Which pair of feet in Eric's picture are closest to yours? So Guille could be third up from the right. I am closest to the top left. Which are you? You're not allowed to say "None; I always wear Manolos."
ReplyDeleteThink Sarkozy did a fine job today, seemed really sympathetic and, asked what he told the grieving relatives, he said "I told them the truth. To expect their loved ones will not have survived." This seems so very terrible of course, but so often relatives are kept in the dark, waiting and waiting. I think his stance is preferable in a truly awful situation. Sorry, I was going to try to lift the mood with the feet thing, but it's not so easy...
ReplyDeleteThanks each and everyone of you, I can t tell you how much I appeciate your concern. I love you all too.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I'm very sad about this terrible accident I am so very happy that I made it safely to Paris (my flight was just perfect) and that as soon as I got here Guille and Eric greeted me.
Guille was the first to tell me the news (I knew nothing I had just arrived) and I was in shock. Still am.
I wanted to get internet access sooner to say hi to you all but I only came back to the hotel late at night. I spent the whole day walking in PAris with my friend that came with me.
So that' s it. I'll enjoy Paris as much as I can because this is truly a blessed trip.
Phx I'll probably cry too!
ReplyDeleteBTW I got your sweet welcome note at my hotel, thanks you so much! You know how to warm my heart up!
We tried to talk to you today at luch, no luck. Will see you thursday!!!!
Besides all the sadness of the news about the plane, it's unbelievable, I usely greet the Air France crew everyday at the hotel cause they stay there on their layover.... I'm really shocked.
My friend who came to Paris with me, we went to Notre Dame today to pray... we' re still shaky.
ReplyDeleteI'll try to keep in touch here as much as I can.
Good night everybody!
There she is, there's our girl! :) Glad you're safe, Monica. See how worried we all were? :) It is very, very sad Monica and I bet you are shocked. Try to enjoy Paree because you have waited so long to be there. I tried to text you but putting in your number didn't work. I can only reply to you and not send first. I know. Must be my phone. Either that or I'm not technically able - and well, it can't be that, can it??? :)
ReplyDeleteIt was all over in the news last night and it was really sad to see these people waiting for their relatives that will never make it to the airport.
ReplyDeleteI know much more people die on the roads every month, but still.
Anyway I'm glad I heard from Monica this morning before I heard from the crash!
Others said this, but I need to. It is such a strange feeling to feel relief for the safety of a friend when others were not so fortunate. It is not disrespect for these, but love for the friend. Then, we realize that it might be callous, cold, to feel good. This is, I think, a small taste of larger feelings of conflict and confusion that occurs with tragedies.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that Monica is still with us. I also am very sad for those others and their families. I can have both feelings without diminishing either one.
Live life.
And isn't a visit to the City of Lights, and seeing friends there, a great way to do that? YEAH!
All is well in PDP-ville!
ReplyDeleteLynn, I would be the third photo down (and up) on the left. Yes, the heels and terribly pointy toes. I guess I watched Carrie Bradshaw too much.
I agree with you on who could be Guille!
A wonderful montage. Loved the enlargement.
ReplyDeleteOk Suzy. I have similar shoes to those too. Mostly though, in summer, I'm a flip flop girl. :)
ReplyDeleteMonica...in the words of Tennessee Williams, "Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose." SO HAPPY you ARRIVED safely in Paris. My heart goes out to those who didn't and their families.
ReplyDeleteThis pic really strikes my fancy. Maybe it's the pink shirt and red flowers, but I also like the fence in front where the camera focuses.
ReplyDeleteTo be a good benign being is to from a kind of openness to the far-out, an cleverness to trust aleatory things beyond your own control, that can front you to be shattered in very exceptionally circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably important thither the get of the honest life: that it is based on a corporation in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a sparkler, something fairly dainty, but whose extremely special handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.