Thursday, October 28, 2010

Underground Heating

Is that a scary photo or what? I took it last evening on the way back home at rue de Chateaudun, where they are installing underground heating. Yes, Paris has one of the largest underground heating networks in the world, but I don't think anyone knows that. It's actually hard to imagine that huge pipes run underneath the city and heat up several buildings throughout Paris, isn't it? (check this little flash animation) And though the CPCU (Compagnie parisienne de chauffage urbain), the company that operated this heating in Paris, claims that it's highly eco-friendly and very efficient. FYI one part of their energy sources come from... our garbage!


  1. Wild, cool, dramatic industrial photo! Is that the moon at the top or a lamp? The whole concept intrigues me as well. Is this i8mage in the running for your 2010 Christmas Card?!!

  2. Stunning (as is so often the case these days) photo. What a gas.

    That is good news. These guys look like they are chilled to the bone down there.

    Looks like heat isn’t the only thing underground heat is used for as seen here.

    So we have heat, power and art.

    All that subterranean activity down there triggered a sympathetic response in me down there, here. And I know where that’s leading.

  3. Brilliant—this is a great capture, Eric! Judging from how hot it is in the subway stations here in NYC, I'd say we have something to learn from you! (And have they found a use for the old pneumatique tubes, I wonder?)

  4. Tall G-man! What a gas! ;-) Nice one.

    Eric, I think I see the ghost of Jim Morrison doing a jig in this one. I can certainly hear the Doors vamping "Break on through to the other side." This is trippy and a great capture. Thematic for Halloween too!

  5. Great shot, Eric!
    And I'm with Coltrane: perfect for Halloween ;-)

  6. This look like something from a scary movie...

  7. A Truly Infernal Vision!
    Abandon every hope, ye who enter here.

  8. LOL Everyone's comments made me laugh.

    Nice picture though, Eric. It is mysterious and spooky without being scary. Love it!

  9. C'est comme la fumée qui reste après certains tours de magie dans lesquels des objets disparaissent ou se transforment... Et tout part en fumée. Un écran de fumée ou alors.
    Ca doit être Halloween, un petit côté ensorcellement... un petit frisson dans le dos... brrr...
    Thriller de Michael Jackson, ça le fait aussi, avec le rire étrange à la fin du clip : ha ha ha ha ha.
    Excuse-moi Eric, je suis d'humeur sorcière aujourd'hui. ;-)

  10. Cool shot!

    I wonder why Paris doesn't smell like burning trash. Do they mix it with Chanel No. 5, perhaps?

  11. WEll that's good news as I"m sure there's a lot of garbage to burn! I hear you can't turn on your heat in your apt. unless the concierge or whoever decides it's time. I"m not sure I love that idea. Perhaps you can explain that to all of us in the U.S. Eric?

  12. love the effect of this photo, dim and dreamy

  13. Oh my god. those lights and colors are so good. i have to say you must take your camera with you every moment
