Tuesday, August 02, 2011


It may not be the perfect summer dish, but since it's not really summer at the moment in Paris, well, there are no rules any longer! That is why I did not hesitate to choose this Mille feuilles de Poire au foie gras at the restaurant where I had lunch, at Place du marché Sainte Catherine. Yummy! But not really light... If you want to try this (or almost) on your end, here is what I found for you (in French)!


  1. That does look yummy.

    Summer? It is the jungle here, with monsoons.

  2. Even tho I just ate, it made me hungry again......

  3. having foie gras is a cruelty act..

  4. That looks pretty tasty to me, Eric. It's almost my bedtime here, and I'm getting hungry looking at it, lol.

  5. Oh, my friends live right around the corner at 3, rue de Turenne! I love this Square...and the video de la recette is charming, Eroc! Your photo of the meal is edible!

  6. Eric - thinking about your stomach again! Get ye to the gym, young man, or you'll regret it on Paris Plage this summer ;~Sab

  7. @Sab. Actually I just took a one month subscription to ClubMed Gym!

  8. Goodness I've often cooked pears in red wine, but never this. Looks interesting!

  9. That's a good contrast but I would only eat pears.



    Barcelona Daily Photo

  10. Wow and Yum. I have made roasted pears with mascarpone, a pear salad with bleu cheese, but foie gras? That looks amazing! It will probably have to wait until Paris though...foie gras is hard to come by here! :) Glad you enjoyed it!

  11. Eric, "not really light"? That's like saying the African Bush Elephant is not really light, lol. The pear's wine color adds to its hefty appearance too.

    The camera angle you got on it is cool because it looks like it's going to tip over from its own weighty ingredients. Do you know the game "Jenga"? (if not: http://www.francinelandrito.com/Gamedepot/strategy.htm) Because it reminds of a food Jenga.

  12. Yummy! Surtout la recette en video, wow... ça a pas l'air mal!

    Ce qui me trouble un peu dans cette photo c'est qu'il y a une poire et demie. Couper la poire en deux, ça je vois bien, mais qu'est-ce que vient faire cette demi-poire? Où est l'autre moitié? Faut être deux? Trois poires pour deux, forcément puisqu'on va pas mettre une moitié à la poubelle!? lol
    La recette en vidéo a l'air tellement facile et tellement bonne en plus ... il faut que l'essaie la prochaine fois que j'invite. Mais ça parait toujours facile en video et puis après ... en vrai... ça dépend de plein de trucs!!

  13. Miam! But I shouldn't have opened your blog while eating a boring low-cal salad at my desk. On the other hand, I could just pretend to be enjoying YOUR lunch instead!

  14. Looks like a poached pear and lettuce. The kind of fromage, I"m not sure of. :) Bon appétit Eric!

  15. @ Dee H "Do you know the game "Jenga"? " I was going to say "no" and then I saw your link. So yes I do know it, we call it "bataille navale" in French and I was a champion in high school!
